I’ve always thought it would be fun to go back in time to the 1970’s. Oh, the colourful flared trousers, the flower power; the classic bands!

You could go and see Jaws at the cinema with people who had never seen it and found the special effects realistic and terrifying. How about Star Wars? Grease?
Somehow we can all get nostalgic over a time period we might not have even experienced first-hand.
Well, now you can experience a small part of it. Dress up in some 70s gear, drive down to a Shell service station, and get your fuel tank filled up by a petrol pump attendant.
After four decades of absence from the forecourt, attendants can now be found at 300 of Shell’s UK service stations.
Reportedly elderly drivers are really enjoying the extra help, as are some disabled motorists who can now get assistance to cross the concrete to pay for their fuel at the shop.
One attendant in Westcliff, Essex, states, “Obviously not everyone wants us to help but we have had really good feedback.”
Well, I have my tie-dye top on and I’m heading out to fill up right now!
Photo © zigazou76 via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: 1970s, drive, flared trousers, flower power, forecourt, fuel tank, Grease, Jaws, motorist, petrol pump attendant, service station, Shell, Star Wars
posted by Fuse @ 12:54 AM
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