One great way to reduce the cost of your car insurance is to take an advanced driving course, but it seems that for many of the nation’s young drivers, such a course would be a good idea for many other important practical reasons.

According to a piece of research by one motor insurer, ten percent of young drivers have never parked their own car.
Now, this piece of news sounds a bit odd to me. What, exactly, are these young drivers doing then? Are they just driving round the streets – forever – or at least until they run out of petrol.
No, closer inspection, reveals that they apparently get someone else (Mu-uu-uum! Da-aa-ad!) to do it for them.
It would seem that a sizable minority also have Zoolander syndrome in reverse and can’t turn right at a junction.
"Although young drivers have the reputation for being reckless and too confident, we can see that many young people actually lack the confidence they need on the road,” said a spokesperson with the insurer.
"Of course, the road can be a scary place when you first start driving, but it's surprising that basic things such as parking or negotiating roundabouts are still a worry for motorists long after they've passed their driving test."
Jokes aside, this survey would seem to raise some serious issues, not least about the effectiveness of the driving test.
Image © Tripiale via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: advanced driving course, car insurance, reduce the cost, young drivers
posted by Fuse @ 1:10 AM
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