If you were an expensive sports car with a shiny red paint job to make you look even more desirable – being beaten in a race by a lesser vehicle would probably be embarrassing.
What if that vehicle was a skateboard? You’d probably be a deeper shade of red come the end of the contest.
Well, for one sports car this nightmare recently became a reality.
The Corvette C5, which is capable of doing 200mph, lost a drag race against the Gnarboard’s Trail Rider.
The Trail Rider is an electric skateboard, and whereas it probably wouldn’t have beaten the sports car in a race of a whole circuit, over a short, straight distance, it powered to the finish before its rival.
So – are you fed up with the cost of your car insurance? Maybe an electric board is the way to go.
The only thing is, we’re not sure if the U.S. company which makes them delivers to the UK, plus the board might not be road legal, and it’s probably not that nice to ride in the rain, and – sticking to your car is probably better in many ways.
Photo © jking89 via Flickr, under Creative Commons LicenceLabels: Corvette C5, electric, Gnarboard, race, road legal, skateboard, sports car, Trail Rider, vehicle
posted by Fuse @ 12:40 AM
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