As one of the thousands of young drivers who converged on Glastonbury for this summer’s music and mud-fest, like the rest, the first thing I did was unpack my tent from the boot of my car.
Unfortunately, I’m ashamed to say, I spent rather longer on the next stage: erecting the tent.

As someone who always tends to be flummoxed by this infuriating real-world, 3D IQ test, this was not unusual. However, this time I felt that I might be able to do it. After all, I’d received detailed advance instruction from my father, including a demonstration (which I videoed on my phone, naturally) and detailed diagrammatic instructions (perhaps a little too detailed, in fact).
Mercifully, on seeing my futile struggles with the said tent, a fellow festival-goer, a bare-chested and ultra capable Spaniard, decided to assist – hooray the Glastonbury spirit! Even if it was slightly emasculating for me to be shown up as manually ineffectual in front of my girlfriend.
At the end of my two-night stay, I then faced a second challenge: deconstructing and packing the tent.
After a good two hours of flailing, struggling and fruitless, desperate praying for the second coming of the bare-chested Spaniard, I gave up and stuffed the thing into the rear-seat of my Vauxhall.
Even so, I’m glad that I didn’t resort to doing what many other young festival-goers seemed to do: leave the tent onsite.
Organisers report that tens of thousands of tents were left behind by apparently unconcerned music lovers who considered them cheap enough to be disposable.
A whole wasteland of tents now destined for landfill – waste and profligacy: not two things I considered to be part of the Glastonbury spirit.
Image © FDWR via Flickr, under Creative Commons LicenceLabels: car, Vauxhall, young drivers
posted by Fuse @ 5:52 AM
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