Parents of children in Plymouth are up in arms about a planned traffic-calming scheme near their children’s school.

This may seem odd – after all, what parent wouldn’t want better road safety exercised near their children – however, they had their reasons.
Simply cast your eye over the photo and you may see eye to eye with adults who called these strange child-shaped bollards “pretty scary” - saying they were like “something out of Doctor Who”.
Another creeped-out parent said, "In the middle of the night you'll see these weird-looking things.”
However, we think that these little polyurethane pupils may be just the ticket for slowing down motorists.
The very fact that they are painted to look like children, and appear a little out of place along the pavement, is probably guaranteed to make drivers lighten their tread on the accelerator. Plus, as the bollard maker explained, “If you see a child next to the road there is a natural reaction to slow the vehicle down.”
Yes, they do cost £350 each and “they might frighten the children”, but really, we think they’re ideal.
The bollard makers remain rightfully “proud” of their creations and we secretly hope to see their eerie rows near schools all over UK very soon.
Image by SteveR- via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: accelerator, bollards, cars, pavement, traffic, vehicle
posted by Fuse @ 3:41 AM
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