We are all familiar with the concept of our cars letting us know when there is a need for attention to the vehicle’s engine or electrical system, but what if cars could tell when something is wrong with the driver?
Ford Motors plans to give their cars “smarts”, which let the driver know if issues with allergies may be a problem, or if the car has detected the driver’s low glucose levels.

Ford recently announced plans to work with several health and medical companies to allow human health monitoring to take place within the car itself.
The technology used is the
Sync in-car information system which is the same technology that allows motorists to be aware of any issues under the hood of their vehicle, as well as the entertainment system, by way of a dashboard light or beeping noise.
Ford’s research manager stated this new technology could be an extremely valuable tool, in particular, for those with chronic illnesses as an aid to manage their time behind the wheel by monitoring their heart rate and other stress indicators.
Being made aware of these factors could help motorists to stay safe while they’re driving as they would be alerted to any health issues as they arise. For example, if they are insulin dependent the car could warn them that stopping to administer an insulin injection would be a good idea.
Personally we’re waiting for the car that indulges your whims.
“Driver, you appear to be hungry – why not have a burger and chips? The next available fast food restaurant is in two miles. Would you like to make this your next destination?”
“Yes, car, I do indeed.”
Image by brykmantra via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: car, driver, Ford, vehicle
posted by Fuse @ 6:43 AM
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