Oh dear! Once again, young drivers do themselves no favours in the press by admitting some really stupid things in response to a survey.
Belfast Telegraph reported statistics from an unnamed source which stated that two out of every five young drivers felt it was okay to travel ten miles an hour, or more, faster than a speed limit set at 30mph.

It also stated that almost a quarter of the motorists questioned believed drinking up to one and a half pints of beer, or corresponding amount of alcohol, and then taking control of a car is acceptable.
Apparently, 500 young drivers, 16 to 21 years of age, were questioned and the results were revealed to coincide with the launch of the United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety Campaign.
Sadly, 58% of those polled thought that young motorists drive more dangerously when they are transporting their peers and this statistic is almost certainly borne out by the numbers of young drivers, and their young passengers, who become victims of car accidents.
Julie Townsend, spokesperson for road safety charity, Brake commented, "We're calling for a commitment from Government for action to tackle young driver crashes, and the needless casualties that result. Young drivers and their behaviour hold the key to the future extent of carnage on roads."
Image by jepoirrier via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: car accidents, young drivers
posted by Fuse @ 1:06 AM
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