A warning to all who have recently passed their driving practical – first, congratulations – now, get cheap car insurance for new drivers before it’s too late.
In 2013, which may seem far away but will come quickly, a new super-speed camera will be introduced to Europe which can basically detect all driving offences; one of which is being an uninsured driver.

This powerful new camera, in its testing phase in Finland at the moment, is called the Multi-functional Asset Camera.
On top of many other things, it can read your licence plate, and check police data to see if you have a licence and are paying your road tax.
Pretty impressive and rather scary at the same time.
Getting really cheap car insurance for new drivers seems to be an even better idea than ever.
Image © amandabhslater via Flickr, under Creative Commons LicenceLabels: car insurance for new drivers, really cheap car insurance
posted by Fuse @ 7:49 AM
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