Any student car insurance holders who have been tempted to drive irresponsibly are encouraged to attend the 2 fast 2 soon theatre production in Lincolnshire this month. The moving show acts as a keen reminder of the dangers which lie in wait on British roads.

A group of experienced emergency services people took responsibility for writing and directing the show, together with individuals who had either been in road accidents, or lost a close relation in a crash. The affecting stories provide an insight into the impact which irresponsible motoring can have.
After watching the show at the Drill Hall in Lincoln one young student said, “By the end of it we were all sat there like stunned and I just sat there and wanted to cry.”
A fellow student commented, “At the start they said that everything was real, all the stories they said happened and what was really striking was that at the end they had a guy talking about his daughter who was killed at the age of 18.”
It is hoped that individuals with young drivers insurance will think twice about exceeding the speed limit after seeing the show. The core safe driving messages will be reinforced by a workshop, presented to numerous schools over the coming months.
Greville Burgess, Principal Road Safety Campaigner said, “Whilst road safety is the responsibility of everyone who use our roads, there can be no argument that young drivers, particularly those who have recently passed their driving test, are most at risk.
“2fast 2soon is an innovative way of supporting young drivers by providing them with the skills and knowledge to both enjoy their driving and reduce the risk of becoming a casualty statistic.”
Image © tompagenet via Flickr under Creative Commons Licence
posted by Fuse @ 7:19 AM
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