Monday, June 14, 2010


Caravan thief steals more than he bargained for

A caravan thief had a nasty surprise after discovering the caravan he had stolen had people inside.

The vehicle, which was stolen in Australia, had been parked at a caravan dealer's yard and was attached to a car that still had its keys in the ignition.

The opportunist thief snuck into the car while the dealer was showing an elderly couple the inside of the caravan. While the dealer managed to jump clear of the car, the elderly couple were left inside.

The thief drove the caravan out of the dealer's yard, crashing it several times and running it over kerbs at speed with the terrified couple still in the back.
Not wanting to be condemned as a kidnapper as well as a car thief, the suspect abandoned the car and caravan with the elderly couple still inside before running off.

Thankfully the couple were uninjured in the accident and were just left rather shocked by their  ordeal.
No doubt the thief will struggle to find cheap car insurance after his caravan stealing fiasco.

[Image MGSpiller via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence]


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