Friday, January 8, 2010


The whole world turned to hummus

Happy New Year everyone and good luck with all your New Year resolutions!

This year mine is typically ambitious. Last year it was to live everyday as if it were my last, which, inevitably (I wish I'd really thought it through) was always going to be fraught with all kinds of problems.

Not only did it mean that I frequently woke in the grips of a vice-like hangover ("Why worry about tomorrow?"), it also meant that I failed to make any real long term plans, refusing to pencil anything significant into my diary on the grounds that it was too restrictive - after all, one doesn't want to spend one's last day discussing tax returns with the accountant.

Perhaps I'm too reactionary a personality and this explains why this year my resolution is to slowly and steadily build for the future.

Until today this was going very well, then I made the mistake of turning the radio on to hear that our planet is due to be "wiped out" by a giant supernova explosion, which has had the effect of making my resolution seem just a little bit futile really.

Apparently there is a star called T Pyxidis 3,260 light years away (no, not far away enough, unfortunately) that is due to erupt with the power of 20 billion billion billion megatons of TNT; it's clearly not going to be enough to just don your bicycle helmet and hide behind the sofa.

Scandalously, the newsreader didn't specify exactly when this irredeemable and cataclysmic event is due to happen but he did turn to the next news item: "And on a more positive note, an Arab-Israeli team have announced plans to create the world's largest hummus dish and will be pulverising an amazing 4,000 kg of chickpeas in the process…"

Image © guijarro85 via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence


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