Monday, December 14, 2009


If you should find yourself walking with a dinosaur - some useful advice

If this week you find yourself in the garden swaddling your evergreen pots with bubblewrap so that they don't freeze over the coming cold months and, prompted by the jerkily moving Godzilla-like shadow looming behind you, turn to find yourself faced with a five foot tall dinosaur, try not to be alarmed.

My advice is the following: simply lay down your trowel, your pot and your bubblewrap, make a calm and collected visual appraisal of the dinosaur and search for its off button. Yes, you may have to lower yourself onto your back and slide beneath the beast's belly, trying your best not to be trampled underfoot, but, once you've fondled with its undercarriage and completed your task, you may find yourself due considerable monetary reward.

If you think this sounds crazy or that I might be being facetious, think again. Because such a simulcrum really is on the loose somewhere and it may just be your garden. I know this because it has been reported that one of the main exhibits from the Walking With Dinosaurs exhibition, currently touring Mexico, has inexplicably disappeared.

The exhibition's spokesperson says of the strange disappearance of the £60,000 dinobot, "Only in Mexico! How it happened we don't know."

Let's just be glad it wasn't one of the 43 foot tall dinosaurs; were you to find one of those monsters lost, desultorily stamping down your street, I could understand having some serious reservations about searching for the off button. I also imagine there'd be quite a few wrecked vehicles and some difficult explaining to do to your car insurance company.

Image © InfoMofo via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence

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