Monday, February 22, 2010


It's notorious, you just don't expect it of Cary Grant

Yesterday I was stuck in the ubiquitous, wet, heaving, horn-happy traffic jam when, knowing I would not be moving anywhere soon, I took to a bit of distracted people gazing.

In the car beside me, impervious to my gaze, sat the most incredibly handsome man. Spellbound, by his Cary Grant-like good looks, I fell into delicious reverie, imagining that I, looking uncannily like Ingrid Bergman, was standing elegantly in his glamorous drawing room drinking a pre-opera martini.

Absorbed by this daydream, I slowly became aware that my filmic vision was in reality merely grafted onto a quite grisly scene. My Cary was picking his nose. Not just, discreetly, around the rim, but fervently, his ferreting finger pulling out thick, viscous matter and wiping it in great sliming trails against his steering wheel.

It was horrible, and although I know he's quite entitled to do this, after all it isn't yet against the law, he did ruin my rather swooning and soothing mirage, rudely cracking open my innermost traffic jam coping mechanisms. If I want to see a man gormlessly picking his nose, I'll go home and try not to look at my husband.

I was so angry with him that I found myself segueing into another daydream, which saw Cary being spotted by police and unceremoniously pulled out his car and being marched off to the station, charged with pick-driving.

17% of us do it, apparently, pick our noses while we're driving and, like I said earlier, it is not yet a criminal offence. A couple of motorists have been fined for blowing their noses while driving though, so there's hope yet...

Image © Cliff1066 via Flickr under Creative Commons Licence


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