Traffic wardens do tend to swoop in like vultures sometimes don’t they…

One innocent man fell victim to what must be the world’s fastest traffic warden ever know to human-kind recently.
A 53-year-old man had parked his car in Ludlow but was out of the parking bay for more than two hours when he went home, before he returned to park in the same space.
When he came back to his car later that day he found that he’d been given a ticket, but, unlike many people, he thought that since he’d already been ticketed earlier in the week it was a bit excessive and warranted an investigation.
Looking at the official traffic warden logs he found that the warden had noted giving him a ticket at 2.40pm in Ludlow, but apparently managed to give another car a parking ticket 35 seconds later 28 miles away in Shrewsbury.
Impressive, huh?
Needless to say, this showed that the warden hadn’t bothered checking on the man’s car. If he had he’d have noticed that the car had been moved during the day before returning and therefore not been in the space for longer than allowed in one stretch.
Luckily, a tribunal ruled in the motorist’s favour and overturned the ticket.
Still, beware the lightning-fast traffic warden. He is estimated to travel at 3,013mph, so you might have an unfair ticket before you know it!
Photo © Instant Vantage via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: car, parked, ticket, traffic warden
posted by Fuse @ 12:54 AM
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