Some motorists may take months to pass their driving test, others dedicate years to the task. However, one 74-year-old woman has finally acquired her licence – 58 years after her first driving lesson.

Valerie Christie originally started taking driving lessons from her mechanic boyfriend back in 1954.
After their relationship ended, the driving lessons stopped too. However, when one of her friends fell ill, she decided to restart lessons in order to help him get to hospital.
Ms Christie said, “It was my friend Thomas who inspired me to do it.
“He had a stroke some time ago and we have to get him to so many appointments. And now if we want to go out for a meal, we can drive there.”
Despite failing two previous tests, she passed on her third attempt with only four minor faults.
Ms Christie is now hoping to take advanced driving lessons to effectively manage night conditions and motorway driving – which may also reduce her car insurance premium.
It just goes to show you really are never too old to learn a new skill.
Photo © kilo_3d via photobucket
Labels: car insurance, driving lesson, driving test, licence, motorway driving
posted by Fuse @ 12:52 AM
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