A hedgehog in the German area of Lower Saxony may have thought that its days of nesting and nocturnal hunting had come to an end when it looked up to see a Ferrari Testarosta heading in its direction.

However, in a startling turn of events the motorist quickly swerved into a road barrier, allowing the bristly critter safe access to the other side.
Fortunately neither the spiky animal or affluent motorist were left with any injuries after the incident. However, the Ferrari was badly damaged and the driver was left having to make a car insurance claim of around £30,000.
Perhaps unsurprisingly given the general lack of cross-species communication there has been no offer of thanks from the hedgehog. However, we can imagine that it was particularly happy upon seeing its friends and family later in the day.
As for the driver, he must surely deserve a place – alongside the train driver who saved a Scottish Swan and the bus driver who saved an owl – in the animal kingdom's hall of fame.
Perhaps he'll be offered a helping paw by Sonic, Knuckles or maybe even Shadow if he finds himself in trouble again?
Photo © callocx via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: barrier, car insurance claim, driver, Ferrari Testarosta, hedgehog, motorist, road
posted by Fuse @ 8:41 AM
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