It’s that time again...the sun is coming out more often and the inside of your car is likely to get very hot, very quickly!
So, if you’re travelling with a dog in your car, or any live animal for that matter, you need to be aware of the dangers posed to animals in hot cars.
The RSPCA’s campaign – Dogs die in hot cars – carries the message that you should not leave your dog alone in a car and passers-by who see an animal in a car on a hot day are encouraged to call the police.
It’s also probably a good idea to be aware that you could be prosecuted under the Animal Welfare Act if you have put your animal at risk.
The RSPCA advises that leaving a window open or putting a sunshield over the windscreen is not enough and that heatstroke in a dog can be fatal.
To find out more about heatstroke in dogs please go to the
RSPCA website and remember DOGS DIE IN HOT CARS!
Photo © jetske via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: animal, Animal Welfare Act, car, dog, heatstroke, hot, hot cars, RSPCA, window
posted by Fuse @ 2:01 AM
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