In science fiction the car is usually so much more than just another vehicle. These models sometimes come with extras like holographic interfaces, on board AI and even in one crazy case – a flux capacitor.

Needless to say, we can only dream about most of this technology...or could it soon become a reality?
Chipmaker company Intel, is introducing a $100 million fund to finance technological innovation within the vehicle industry.
Over the next three to five years, Intel will invest in hardware, software and services companies which will provide in-car apps and establish connectivity between other vehicles and devices.
Intel hopes their investment will lead to a new line of vehicles which are wirelessly linked together. For example, if a driver notices a traffic accident, he may be able to send a warning to other motorists in the immediate area.
The company is also planning to improve driver safety by integrating technologies such as gesture detection, text to speech voice recognition and eye tracking into upcoming vehicles.
Agreements are already in place between several car companies, such as BMW, Hyundai, Toyota and Kia, who all want new technology incorporated into their vehicles.
For those drivers who like to personalise their cars, Intel has already employed social anthropologists to examine other possibilities, including the introduction of soothing lighting and music to calm stressed motorists while on the road.
Photo © Robert Couse-Baker via Flickr under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: driver safety, Intel, Science Fiction, technology, traffic accident, voice recognition
posted by Fuse @ 1:02 AM
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