Twins often share similar experiences of life's defining moments. Many enjoy their first day at school together, some move out of the family home at the same time, and in one special case twins from Bristol passed their driving tests on the same day.

What makes this story even more extraordinary is that that each sister had taken exactly the same number of one hour driving lessons, and they both began their practical tests at 3pm on January 20th.
The girl's chosen driving instructor said, “Everything seemed to fall in together – they started the same day, they had exactly the same number of lessons, they passed on the same day.”
It's traditional for twins to grow up wearing identical sets of clothes and be treated to shared birthday parties. However, the girls’ parents went to extra lengths by rewarding them with a blue Ford Ka each.
Their Mum said, “They both felt that they were under a lot of pressure, and they were worried that one might pass and one fail. They would have rather both failed than one pass and one fail.”
After joint celebrations the youngsters are expected to turn their minds to what they can do together next. Perhaps they'll both achieve the same A level marks, go to the same university and even begin same course next year.
Photo © samantha celera via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: Bristol, driving lessons, driving test, Ford Ka, instructor, practical test, twins
posted by Fuse @ 12:51 AM
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