Usually the only thing people do when they see road-kill is think how horrible it looks and maybe feel sorry for the poor animal that met its end on the tarmac.

However, one man from Bournemouth has been eating road-kill for about 30 years instead of buying his meat at supermarkets.
The man explains, “I guess at the age of 14 I just wanted to be different. But even then I understood that what I was doing was better than eating meat in the shops because of how it was produced.”
He doesn’t keep his strange dining habits from his friends either, who are often treated to rat stir fries, owl curry and pan-fried crane-flies.
Anyone who is interested in following suit and abandoning the supermarket meat aisle should be wary though. The road-kill cook says, “It's not something everyone can do. I have grown up around nature and know just by looking how an animal has died and how long it has been there.
“I am careful, obviously, not to eat anything that I don't think is fresh and if I don't know how an animal has died I will perform an autopsy on it first.
“I found a raven recently that had been poisoned, probably with strychnine, and that is something that other people would probably not think to look out for.
“I do have to be careful, but I have never been sick from anything I have ever eaten.”
Hmmm, it seems like a good idea if you’ve got the know-how. Still, I’m not sure I’ll ever look at road-kill and feel hungry.
Photo © dadadreams via Flickr, under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: animal, eat, meat, road-kill, tarmac
posted by Fuse @ 5:20 AM
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