So, Northern Ireland could be about to reduce its drink-driving limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to just 50mg/100ml, with a reduced limit for young drivers of 20mg/100ml.
Well, I for one young driver think it’s about time too. In fact I’d be up for zero tolerance in the UK.
Having seen the consequences of being involved in a drink-driving accident first hand, and having lost a good friend as a result, I can say that no alcohol for drivers should always be the way to go.
When you’re the designated driver it’s sometimes so tempting just to have one drink, but once you’ve had one you might feel like having another because you feel fine and before you know it you’re over the limit with all your mates relying on you for a lift home. It’s just too easy to get in your car saying, “I’ll be really, really careful.”
But sadly, a careful drink-driver is not the same as a sober driver.
Here at Hoot, we say don’t risk it – ever. Don’t even have one. A lifetime of pain and regret just isn’t worth the risk.
Image © K-tee Snape via Flickr, Under Creative Commons Licence
Labels: young driver, zero tolerance drink-driving
posted by Fuse @ 12:52 AM
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