The other evening I was driving out of town, passing the local speed camera, when I spotted in my rear view mirror this old black fiesta that was screaming up on the outside. The car in front was a silver Astra being driven by a very cautious older lady, and coming straight toward us in the oncoming lane was a bus.
I could see what was about to happen – I slammed on my brakes – the Fiesta carved in front of me, hammered on his brakes and the bus missed him by an inch.
I was still convinced the old Ford would not stop before rear ending the Astra and so, gripped my steering wheel hard and braced for impact.
Two accidental loud bursts on my horn later, the windscreen wipers coming on as I flapped around in disbelief, and… all cars carried on with their journeys without a scratch on anybody.
I nearly lost my lunch though!
It is this kind of young driver that gets most of us a bad name, but I was relieved to see, as we got on to dual carriageway, that the baseball-hat-wearing idiot appeared to have frightened himself. He stayed patiently in the left hand lane and kept a respectful distance behind the silver Astra which was going no faster than 60.
And just in case you don't believe that these sorts of things happen, watch below.
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